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Even Members Of Capcom Find Resident Evil 7 To Be “A Bit Too Scary” In VR

While the aforementioned 4 is considered to be one of the best games ever made, neither 5 or 6 managed to replicate its success, with many considering the series' heyday to have come and gone. But here we are in 2016, talking about Resident Evil 7 and how even members of the company developing it are finding it all a bit too much - especially when played in VR.


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Having moved further and further away from its survival horror roots with each passing sequel, the word scary hasn’t been used in reference to the Resident Evil series for a very long time. Starting with Resident Evil 4, Capcom seemingly decided to move into action territory rather than stick to the franchise’s original formula, with wildly differing results.

While the aforementioned 4 is considered to be one of the best games ever made, neither 5 or 6 managed to replicate its success, with many considering the series’ heyday to have come and gone in recent years. But here we are in 2016, talking about Resident Evil 7 and how even members of the company developing it are finding it all a bit too much – especially when played in VR.

Speaking in the latest issue of MCV (via VideoGamer), CEO of Capcom Europe Katsuhiko Ichii admitted that “honestly, I find it a bit too scary. It depends on the person. Some people might play part of it in VR, some might play it entirely in virtual reality, and some might play it entirely on the screen. It’s a choice.”

Marketing director Antoine Molant then joins the conversation by discussing how the title was created as a “non-VR game” with “plenty of frightening jump moments,” adding that at the same time, they want to make sure they’re not “putting people in danger for real,” when Resident Evil 7 is played in VR.

If the upcoming horror title’s Beginning Hour demo is anything to by, there’s absolutely no doubt in our minds that Resident Evil 7 could genuinely cause more than a few screams.

Do you have the courage to play the entire thing in VR come January 26th? Let us know by commenting below.