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EA Accidentally Reveals Battlefield 4 In Origin Ad

Gamers browsing through EA's Origin download service late yesterday were met with an advertisement telling them that they could get "exclusive Battlefield 4 beta access" if they pre-ordered Medal of Honor: Warfighter. Considering Battlefield 4 has never been announced, that makes for a great pre-order incentive and one hell of a nightmare for the game's marketing team.

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Gamers browsing through EA’s Origin download service late yesterday were met with an advertisement telling them that they could get “exclusive Battlefield 4 beta access” if they pre-ordered Medal of Honor: Warfighter. Considering Battlefield 4 has never been announced, that makes for a great pre-order incentive and one hell of a nightmare for the game’s marketing team.

Electronic Arts has since removed all mention of Battlefield 4 from the ad, but not before screenshots could be captured and posted up on IGN.

With all that said, this should not really come as a surprise to anyone. The existence of Battlefield 4 was pretty much a given ever since the launch of Battlefield 3, but it’s always good fun when inside info is leaked early by the same people most interested in holding it back.

Now that the cat is out of the bag, I’m sure that EA will have to fess up to Battlefield 4’s existence. It should be interesting to see how they handle that, while at the same time promoting new Battlefield 3 downloadable content all the way through March 2013.

Source: IGN