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8 Big Announcements We Want To See At E3 2016

Brace yourselves everybody, E3 2016 is almost here! Yes, it’s that time of the year when gamers revel in the excitement of new industry information and the world's gaming press gear themselves up for an exhausting week of coffee fuelled press coverage. Forget the recent grumbles of the show losing some of its relevance, E3 is easily the industry’s most important calendar event and we’re expecting this year to be packed with tantalizing new gaming announcements.

Square Enix To Show Off More Of Final Fantasy VII Remake

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Far and away, E3 2015’s show stopping moment was Final Fantasy VII Remake’s sudden announcement, which caught everyone by surprise last year. Fans have been asking for a remake for what seems like forever now, and Square Enix’s silence on the matter had been bewildering, but apparently they finally woke up to its commercial potential last year and now we want more information on a release date and launch structure.

Of course, Final Fantasy VII Remake made another surprise appearance at PlayStation Experience just 5 months after its big reveal, causing many to wonder how far along development actually was. Initially, it had been supposed that a release date would not be until 2018 at the earliest, but a substantial trailer at PlayStation’s keynote during PSX suggests it might be much sooner. If the game does make an appearance at E3, it still seems unlikely we’ll get a concrete release date. Even so, we’ll be able to gauge whether the demonstration at PSX was actually gameplay or clever pre-rendered footage.

With Final Fantasy XV just around the corner, it’s touch and go as to whether Square Enix would want to show off any more of the Final Fantasy VII Remake in fear of spoiling hype for their upcoming game. Though it would probably make sense to focus efforts on Final Fantasy XV, who would bet against more information on Final Fantasy VII Remake multi-part release and some new gameplay footage stealing the show once again?