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8 Big Announcements We Want To See At E3 2016

Brace yourselves everybody, E3 2016 is almost here! Yes, it’s that time of the year when gamers revel in the excitement of new industry information and the world's gaming press gear themselves up for an exhausting week of coffee fuelled press coverage. Forget the recent grumbles of the show losing some of its relevance, E3 is easily the industry’s most important calendar event and we’re expecting this year to be packed with tantalizing new gaming announcements.

Mass Effect: Andromeda

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The Mass Effect franchise is a much loved trilogy, adored for its detailed branching narrative, memorable characters and its massive intergalactic setting. The upcoming sequel, Mass Effect: Andromeda, carries with it a tremendous weight of expectation, especially after the mixed reception to the finale of the original trilogy. So far, the game has been shrouded in mystery and E3 seems like a logical place to finally reveal the nature of the new title and how it fits into the previous trilogy’s cannon.

We know for certain that the game is delayed until 2017, which came as a disappointment to most, but with so many games scheduled to release this Fall, Andromeda’s postponed release probably isn’t the worst thing to have occurred. After all, we want Bioware to take as much time as they need to produce a quality title.

That being said, we still haven’t been privy to any new gameplay footage, and E3 certainly provides a good opportunity to showcase how Mass Effect: Andromeda will evolve the franchise, especially in respect to combat and its RPG mechanics. So far, everything we’ve heard about Andromeda has come by way of leaked information, and for that reason alone, more details about the game is certainly on our wishlist for E3.