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8 Big Announcements We Want To See At E3 2016

Brace yourselves everybody, E3 2016 is almost here! Yes, it’s that time of the year when gamers revel in the excitement of new industry information and the world's gaming press gear themselves up for an exhausting week of coffee fuelled press coverage. Forget the recent grumbles of the show losing some of its relevance, E3 is easily the industry’s most important calendar event and we’re expecting this year to be packed with tantalizing new gaming announcements.

Quality New IPs For Xbox One

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Microsoft are a bit of a wild card this year. The aftermath of last year’s conference saw the launch of the “Greatest line up in Xbox history” campaign in which some of their hallmark franchises were released. Given that we’ve only recently seen a tease for Gears of War 4, what else does Microsoft have to bring to the table this year?

Commercially, Xbox One continues to sell respectively, but any hopes of it catching the PS4 have long since been muted. Still, Microsoft can’t afford to let the console peter out with a whimper, they have to continue to try and push its appeal as a valid platform by demonstrating to potential buyers that it has a future.

Backwards compatibility has been a great addition to Xbox One, but as was demonstrated last year, game announcements always win the day. Even if they are announcements in the far flung future. For that very reason, Microsoft simply have to throw some figurative punches in respect to their software line-up. Primarily, we want to see some quality new IPs for the Xbox One along with solid release dates for games such as Scalebound and ReCore.