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8 Big Announcements We Want To See At E3 2016

Brace yourselves everybody, E3 2016 is almost here! Yes, it’s that time of the year when gamers revel in the excitement of new industry information and the world's gaming press gear themselves up for an exhausting week of coffee fuelled press coverage. Forget the recent grumbles of the show losing some of its relevance, E3 is easily the industry’s most important calendar event and we’re expecting this year to be packed with tantalizing new gaming announcements.


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Brace yourselves everybody, E3 2016 is almost here! Yes, it’s that time of the year when gamers revel in the excitement of new industry information and the world’s gaming press gear themselves up for an exhausting week of coffee fuelled press coverage. Forget the recent grumbles of the show losing some of its relevance, E3 is easily the industry’s most important calendar event and we’re expecting this year to be packed with tantalizing new gaming announcements.

Last year’s E3 certainly had its share of surprises. In fact, that’s selling it short; last year’s conference dropped a succession of bombshells that left crowds of games media speechless. Final Fantasy Remake, The Last Guardian and Fallout 4’s impending release had journalists stunned as people reacted with everything from thunderous applause to tears of joy. E3 2016 has a lot to live up then, but with an array of new hardware launches and some intriguing titles on the horizon, we’re confident it’s going to be another vintage year for the tradeshow.


There are certainly plenty of unanswered questions about various rumours that have surfaced over the past few months, making this year’s event particularly interesting. Between the potential of hardware upgrades looming, whisperings of various game delays, and even the possibility of a HoloLens demonstrations from Microsoft, we’re definitely in for one hell of a show and it’s going to be fascinating to see what’s in store for us.

With all of that in mind, we’ve compiled a list of announcements that we’re desperate to see from the major players this year. Read on to see what we’re crossing our fingers for and let us know if you agree or disagree by dropping a comment.