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E3 2014: The 5 Worst Conference Moments

So there it is then. After months of anticipation, E3 has finally revealed all the games you were desperate as hell to play - and confirmed that you won't be playing them until this time next year. Terrific. And as if the words "coming 2015" weren't haunting enough, there were plenty of other notable offences from each press conference that I'm too self-entitled to let slide.

1) Nintendo

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Yeah, just Nintendo. What else can you say? They did what they’ve been doing for the last 50 years and just continued to churn out more entries into titles with more staple Nintendo characters in. There’s Mario games and Yoshi games and Zelda games and Pokémon games and Kirby games and oh for the love of God stop. The games themselves look good enough, I guess, but would something really new be so difficult?

And exactly what were they thinking giving Toad his own game? Also, what were they thinking giving Toad his own game? It’s such a critical question I felt like I had to ask it twice. BUT DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY ANSWERS? Accidentally picking him in Mario Kart is enough to make you want to kill yourself, so surely by now Nintendo have mined enough online data to know that he’s less popular than ivory poachers.

And just when you’re thinking you couldn’t be any more disenchanted, their conference crescendo was yet another game with all those same characters in it. Except you can fight them. And umm… yes I think that’s about it. I’ll have to end this article as underwhelmingly as their conference.

What do you guys think? Was it really as bad as that, or has E3 given you hope for the future of gaming? Let us know in the comments below!