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E3 2014: The 5 Worst Conference Moments

So there it is then. After months of anticipation, E3 has finally revealed all the games you were desperate as hell to play - and confirmed that you won't be playing them until this time next year. Terrific. And as if the words "coming 2015" weren't haunting enough, there were plenty of other notable offences from each press conference that I'm too self-entitled to let slide.

2) Sony Doesn’t Announce Any System-Selling Games

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Sony E3 2014

The Sony conference was undoubtedly amazing, right? All those incredible games, relentlessly unveiled one after another. By the time their media event was finished, Twitter was awash with cries that they had yet again destroyed Microsoft. Caught up in the heat of the moment, I’d have been inclined to agree, but it wasn’t long before I realized that what they’d really offered us was nothing unique.

What they did preview were games that would be available for Xboxes and PCs, and even games that had already been unveiled in the previous Ubisoft briefing. They previewed some great Sony exclusives, but remastered ones that you’ve already played on their previous console. They previewed some current gen exclusives too, but they were games like Uncharted 4 (which probably won’t see the light of day for another two years) and The Order, which I could only describe as the grayest game ever created.

Then they previewed PlayStation TV. That’s right. Television. The thing that Microsoft was so mocked for last year. Except this one is $99. On the plus side, it does also has Vita compatibility, so at least the five or six people that own one of those will see a reason to keep them.