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E3 2014: The 5 Worst Conference Moments

So there it is then. After months of anticipation, E3 has finally revealed all the games you were desperate as hell to play - and confirmed that you won't be playing them until this time next year. Terrific. And as if the words "coming 2015" weren't haunting enough, there were plenty of other notable offences from each press conference that I'm too self-entitled to let slide.

5) Microsoft Love #Games Again

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Microsoft Bonnie Ross

Somewhat traditionally, Microsoft were first out of the gates. A man came onto the stage and said this: “Today, we’re dedicating our entire briefing to games”, and lo, it was good. People cheered. Then, normal service resumed, and we were shown a trailer for yet another Call of Duty.

Call of bloody Duty. I mean, really. If it was any more predictable it would have been a weather forecast. Clearly Microsoft want to associate themselves with the biggest name in gaming, but frankly, why bother? It’s also the shittiest name in gaming. Doubtless it cost them millions to secure this trailer, too, even though it’s a multi-platform title.

Also, trying to brush last year’s “Xbox One is a television” fiasco under the carpet by proving you’re back to being all about the games is one thing, but doing so by cutting your conference up with a bunch of random chuckleheads murping on about why they loved Kingdom Hearts isn’t the way to do it.

Neither is displaying the CEO’s favourite games as hashtags when they walk on stage. We’ve all played Ico, and yes it is very good. But do we care that it’s Bonnie Ross of 343 Industries’ favourite game? No, we absolutely do not. Also, isn’t it a Sony exclusive? And isn’t its sequel, The Last Guardian, one of the most anticipated games in recent history? Thanks for reminding me, Microsoft. I must buy a PlayStation.