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Duke Nukem Forever Launch Trailer

I don't know about you but I seriously never thought I'd see the day. A launch trailer for Duke Nukem: Forever, who would of thought? Well it's true folks. The totally awesome, completely NSFW launch trailer has arrived and it's full of apt music, naked women, big explosions and general ass kicking.

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I don’t know about you but I seriously never thought I’d see the day. A launch trailer for Duke Nukem: Forever, who would of thought? Well it’s true folks. The totally awesome, completely NSFW launch trailer has arrived and it’s full of apt music, naked women, big explosions and general ass kicking.

To say this game has been a long time in the making is a massive understatement. And to be honest, I really hope it does well. Fans have waited so long for it and now that it’s finally here, it would be nice to see it get the reception it deserves. Plus, if it does do well, we can probably expect more Duke sometime in the future, which isn’t a bad thing, right?

Duke Nukem Forever drops Friday in the UK and on June 14 in the US for PS3, 360 and PC. Check out the launch trailer below.