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DICE Still Has Big Plans For Star Wars Battlefront II

Developer DICE has allayed fears that it's about to cease support of Star Wars Battlefront II, as there is seemingly plenty of new content still to come.

Millenium Falcon in Star Wars Battlefront

Say what you will about Star Wars Battlefront II, or EA’s handling of the license overall, but you can’t fault DICE and its commitment to new content.

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The Swedish dev, best known for its cutting-edge visuals and the Frostbite engine, has hinted at the future of Battlefront II, after a Reddit thread revealed that DICE is “far from done” with the shooter sequel. It therefore has no immediate plans for a third game in the popular series, but that’s a topic for another day.

Word comes to us by way of Dennis Brannvall, Associate Design Director, on Star Wars Battlefront II, who admitted that the studio currently has no intentions of abandoning the sequel, stating: “We’re working on Battlefront II and only that. We’re far from done on this one.”

Color us intrigued.

Despite launching more than a year ago, Star Wars Battlefront II still boasts a healthy player base – no surprise there, otherwise DICE and EA would’ve moved on long ago – and just this week the oft-maligned sequel received a brand spanking new game mode in the form of Captial Supremacy. It whisks players back to the Clone Wars for a competitive match of invasion and control.

Looking further afield, and it’s not outside the realm of possibility that EA will partner will Lucasfilm to create some Episode IX-themed content for Star Wars Battlefront II. Let’s not forget that its predecessor included tie-in content for Rogue One, so it’s only fitting that the two parties honor tradition.

We will, of course, be keeping a close keep on Star Wars Battlefront II over the coming months. But one thing’s for sure: there’s still gas in the tank yet…