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The Dead Space 3 Information Deluge Continues With New Screenshots

Following the logo and first screenshot out of stasis, and stalking the recently released video, are 7 more Pre-E3 teasers for Dead Space 3. Consisting of numerous shots of Issac's new red-eyed companion, there is a definite prominence being given to the new polarising protagonist.

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Following the logo and first screenshot out of stasis, and stalking the recently released video, are 7 more Pre-E3 teasers for Dead Space 3. Consisting of numerous shots of Issac’s new red-eyed companion, there is a definite prominence being given to the new polarising protagonist.

As a fan of the franchise, and someone who has experienced Resident Evil 5‘s not so friendly ‘buddy system’, I am left somewhat conflicted by these latest screenshots. Can Dead Space 3 maintain the tension and peril the franchise is known for with Issac having more than just delusions of his dead girlfriend to accompany him? I’m not entirely convinced, but then again I am even less convinced that I will have the mental fortitude to resist the effects of the Marker… I’ve never managed it before.

With snow on the ground, a converted colonist and many more intriguing glimpses through the Dead Space 3 visor, there are plenty of inferences to drawn from the following images:

Source: All Games Beta