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Characters And Environments From NiGHTS into DREAMS Will Be Featured In Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed

NiGHTS into DREAMS, SEGA's cult classic Saturn title, is scheduled to enter into the limelight in more ways than expected. You see, now that the Japanese video game giant has decided to release a high definition version of the beloved game, it's begun to see the potential in its two main characters, as well as the world that they inhabit. As a result, both NiGHTS and Reala will appear in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.

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NiGHTS into DREAMS, SEGA‘s cult classic Saturn title, is scheduled to enter into the limelight in more ways than expected. You see, now that the Japanese video game giant has decided to release a high definition version of the beloved game, it’s begun to see the potential in its two main characters, as well as the world that they inhabit.

As a result, both NiGHTS and Reala will appear in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. Footage of the two characters (in car form) was shown to an audience at a recent Summer of Sonic event.

In addition to its characters’ appearances in the upcoming kart racer, NiGHTS into DREAMS will also be represented by two tracks. SEGA showed its prototype of Spring Valley during the event, and also confirmed that a Nightmare track is in development at Sumo Digital.

Thanks, Joystiq