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Capcom Announces Lost Planet 3 For June Launch, New Trailer And Screenshots

Capcom finally nailed down the release date for Lost Planet 3 today, revealing that the game will hit retailers on June 25th in North America and on June 28th across Europe. While not specifically stated, this seems to indicate that the game has been slightly delayed from its original "early 2013" release window.

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Capcom finally nailed down the release date for Lost Planet 3 today, revealing that the game will hit retailers on June 25th in North America and on June 28th across Europe. While not specifically stated, this seems to indicate that the game has been slightly delayed from itsĀ original “early 2013” release window.

In addition to the release date, Capcom also sent out a new trailer and screenshots for Lost Planet 3 that introduce the Snow Pirates and a new giant Akrid called the Carrier. The trailer starts out with the game’s protagonist, Jim Peyton, crash landing into his new job on E.D.N. III as a NEVEC employee mining the T-Eng from the planet.

While going about his daily business Peyton is attacked by one of the indigenous Akrids, which results in him and his mech-like Utility Rig falling down an deep icy fissure. Jim awakes to find himself captured by a group of Snow Pirates, who plan to kill him for stealing their resources. Just before the death sentence is carried out, Mira, the daughter of the Snow Pirate leader, jumps out to stop the execution, Pocahontas-style.

Peyton now realizes that NEVEC are not the only humans on E.D.N. III. As he learns the truth behind his employers not-so-friendly intentions, he vows to help protect the planet from the threat.

Capcom also announced a variety of Lost Planet 3 pre-order bonuses from GameStop/EB Games, Amazon, and Best Buy. Details for each retailer-specific bonus pack can be found at the “next page” link below.

Lost Planet 3 will be released across North America on June 25 and in Europe on June 28 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. Check out the new trailer and screenshots below, and make sure to let us know your thoughts on the upcoming third installment in the Lost Planet series.