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New Brink Video Tutorial Shows Off The Basics

Today a new video was released for May's first person shooter Brink, showing off the game's coveted SMART system in a tutorial format. It showcases the basics of the game, how to survive the battlefield using the genius movement gameplay Brink is advertising as its main unique mechanic. The video is the first of more to come, showing off different aspect of features within the game, before the game releases in North America on May 10. Anyone interested in FPS's should have Brink on their upcoming radar, but those who are looking for something new in the standard crowded shooter genre, it deserves your attention. Check out the video below and get pumped for Brink's release date.

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Today a new video was released for Splash Damage’s upcoming first person shooter Brink, showing off the game’s coveted SMART system in a tutorial format. It showcases the basics of the game and how to survive the battlefield using the genius movement gameplay Brink is advertising as its main unique mechanic.

The video is the first of more to come, showing off different aspect of features within the game, before the game releases in North America on May 10th. Anyone interested in FPS games should have Brink on their upcoming radar, but those who are looking for something new in the standard crowded shooter genre, it deserves your attention. Check out the video below and get pumped for Brink’s release date.