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Brink Trailer Shows Off Classes

A new trailer for Brink was released today that shows off the different classes you can play as in the game. Brink is two months away and we've been seeing a lot of it lately. Check out the new trailer here.

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A new trailer for Brink was released today that shows off the different classes you can play as in the game. Brink is two months away and we’ve been seeing a lot of it lately. We recently had a chance to play it and you can check out our Brink hands on preview for our full thoughts on the game. To sum it up though, we felt that:

“Brink was definitely worth the buzz it has been receiving. The amazing amount of customization, features, and polish on this game are reasons enough to make this one of the must buy titles of the year. The shear amount of passion and love that Splash Damage has poured into making this their first original IP for consoles certainly shows.”

Bethesda also announced a pre-order bonus for the game. They said that:

“The Brink digital pre-order bonuses are now available in the UK. Extend your customisation options even further with the exclusive DOOM, Fallout, Psycho and Spec Ops packs. Each contains unique apparel, tattoos, weapons and weapon attachments for your in-game character. These pre-order bonuses will be offered exclusively through participating retailers in the coming weeks.”

The game is set to drop on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC in North America on May 17, 2011 and in Europe on May 20, 2011. For now though, check out the new trailer below.