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Beyond: Two Souls Release Date Leaked?

Earlier today Sony briefly updated the official website for Quantic Dream's Beyond: Two Souls with a "May 25, 2013" release date, potentially leaking when the publisher plans to launch the exclusive PS3 title.

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Earlier today Sony briefly updated the official website for Quantic Dream’s Beyond: Two Souls with a “May 25, 2013” release date, potentially leaking when the publisher plans to launch the exclusive PS3 title.

Sony quickly changed the date to read “2013”, and issued the following statement to IGN dismissing the May 25th date.

“We have not announced a release date for Beyond: Two Souls outside of the 2013 time frame. In fact, David Cage recently shared that the title is preparing for the alpha version so the date reported on the product site is incorrect and has since been updated.”

Officially we have to take Sony at their word and assume that the May 25th release date for Beyond: Two Souls was a simple mistake. With that said, it’s hard to simply write-off a launch date that pops up on a game’s official site.

We will keep an eye out for any further updates on this story, and let you know if anything changes.