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7 Ways That Square Enix’s The Avengers Project Can Live Up To Expectations

Although the competition between Marvel and DC is constantly back-and-forth across most mediums, the latter continues to reign supreme in the video game department. With a great selection of titles like those from the Arkham series, Injustice series, and the recent Telltale Batman series, DC has maintained a strong presence in the industry throughout recent years. Marvel has undoubtedly noticed this though and looks to turn things around now, as they've announced a partnership for multiple games with Square Enix.

3) Have Combat Be The Focus, But Don’t Lose The Narrative

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The thought of playing as characters like Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America is enough to make any gamer salivate. Add in massive power-sets and possible combos a la Arkham Knight and there’s plenty of potential to make this title’s combat some of the best we’ve ever seen in a superhero game.

The wide range of movesets that would be available is immense, so Crystal Dynamics and Eidos need to take advantage of that. They also need to ensure that each character feels fully distinct and unlike any other controllable hero. The actual design of the gameplay remains unknown, but it seems like a third-person action style would be the most suitable option here.

Put simply, the developers need to go all-out with the gameplay. Give it depth, flashiness, and intensity so that players look forward to every fight. Titles like this need engaging gameplay more than others, but Marvel also needs to make sure they don’t lose the story in the process, as it can be sometimes easy to do so when making action-heavy games. You certainly want enjoyment and fun to be the top priority, but don’t weaken other aspects of the title in the process.

On that note, if they could make an Arkham Knight style finishing move where Iron Man shoots a beam at Cap’s shield to take down an enemy, that would be much appreciated.