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All the ways that PlayStation VR2 is better than the original

Will you be purchasing the new unit?

PlayStation VR2 and Sense Controllers
Image via Sony

PlayStation is set to unleash a new reality — a new virtual reality that is. The newest virtual reality unit from PlayStation is the next model of PlayStation VR, the PlayStation VR2. It is set to release on Feb. 22, 2023, with more than 30 titles in its launch lineup, ranging from new games to ports to PlayStation 5 titles that have been updated to support the new technology.

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You might have never played PlayStation VR or any type of VR before and are wondering what the features of this new unit are. Or, you might be someone who purchased the original PS VR and are wondering whether the second iteration of the unit has improved enough to make it an immediate purchase. So let’s take a look at every way PlayStation VR2 has improved upon the original system. 

Setting up

First of all, it needs to be mentioned that setting up PlayStation VR2 is much easier compared to the previous unit. Anybody who played the original knows how bothersome the setup was with the PlayStation 4, connecting your unit to a box. The box was connected to your television, your unit, and the PS4 with a few different cords. PS VR2 is not cordless, but it only requires one cord that plugs into the PlayStation 5. 

Therefore, you won’t be playing a game on PS5 and fumbling for cords for 15 minutes to set it up. Simply plug in and get started. You also needed to set up the HD camera with the original unit and that is gone too, as PlayStation VR2 is equipped with four cameras on the headset. VR enthusiasts know that time to set up can be a huge barrier to entry in wanting to play a game to begin with, and even though it has one cord, this is a great improvement and an excellent step in the right direction. Someday, we’ll no doubt be cordless.

The controllers

Say goodbye to your PlayStation 3-era PlayStation Move controllers, as this new unit comes with new state-of-the-art motion controllers. They are called Sense controllers and they are in line with the DualSense controller for your PS5, complete with its own haptic feedback. They also feature adaptive triggers, which is also a major feature of the DualSense. PS VR2 is obviously designed for you to feel whatever you are doing in the games, and the controllers are a big part of that. For example, the PlayStation Blog notes that you will be able to feel the draw of your bow when playing Horizon Call of the Mountain.

But the real heroic feature of the controllers is that they are tracked by the headset. They have improved upon the tracking this time around, so games will be able to track where you move individual fingers. Because they come in the box, you won’t have to worry about buying separate controllers or owning the old ones either, as they aren’t compatible with the unit. However, you will be able to use the DualSense or the DualSense Edge if the new controllers are not your thing. 

Upgraded specifications

It would not be a next-generation VR unit without some upgraded specifications, and PS VR2 seems to be a technical upgrade in every way. Both it and the original unit are OLED screens, although the new unit has a better resolution coming in at 2000 x 2040 per eye compared to 960 × 1080 per eye in the original. There is also a slightly increased field of view. It’s also lighter than PS VR, and as we have mentioned before, it requires only a USB Type-C connection.

The specifications do not only include those that boost VR gameplay either. A large benefit of the unit is being able to use your PS5 in cinematic mode with PS VR2. You can play games or watch videos, and it might just be at an increased quality than you have with your current television or monitor. Cinematic mode runs at 1920 x 1080 HDR with a frame rate of up to 120Hz. You will also find it easy to capture the footage from your PS VR2.

If you are interested in capturing virtual reality gameplay on PlayStation, it’s never been easier. Because of the PS5’s easy capture controls, you can easily stream or capture your PS VR2 gameplay. You can edit all the gameplay clips you want without taking off the headset. If you wanted to stream yourself playing, you can also take advantage of the single-cord setup and connect the PS5 HD Camera to the PS5. Filming yourself playing PS VR was a little more complicated than the new way, as you would need to juggle three or four cords to do so.


Many of you who are playing VR might not have the biggest space to play it in. A unit like the Meta Quest is good for situations where you need to play in smaller areas, and the PS VR unit was infamously terrible for smaller play spaces. But, PS VR2 has three different movement modes which different games can support, ranging from the less mobile and smaller play environments to a more free-standing mobile play area.

These modes are the Roomscale mode, Sitting mode, and Standing mode. Both the Sitting and Standing modes require a play area of 3 ft 4 in x 3 ft 4 in and are for sitting and standing respectively. You will need to make sure you have free movement of your arms while you are in this mode. Then there is the Roomscale mode, which still requires less room than the 10 ft x 10 ft you need for the original unit, coming in at 6 ft 7 in x 6 ft 7 in. 


This one is a little bit of a cop-out, as we are referring to multiple things when referring to the games that are coming to the platform. Firstly, we have big franchise games like Horizon Call of the Mountain and The Dark Pictures: Switchback VR. This can also be extended to games like Gran Turismo 7 and Resident Evil Village, which are both being updated with free VR modes, allowing you to experience the games in virtual reality.

But it isn’t just the new PlayStation VR2 games that are noteworthy. There are games for the original unit that are being remade for the specifications of the new unit. Games like Moss: Book 1, Moss: Book 2, Pistol Whip, and Job Simulator are all being remade for the PS VR2 unit, with all the tracking of the new system. Games that were never released on PlayStation systems like Before Your Eyes will be released as well.

As for the number of games available for the unit, PlayStation has boasted that there are over 30 games available in the launch window, with over 100 titles in development. It will probably be a few years until we see the full scope of titles released for the unit. Ultimately, the success of the system will lay upon the shoulders of the quality of the games released, as is the case with any generation leap. 

So, that’s everything great about the PS VR2 unit that has improved upon the original system. But, it is worth noting that there are some things to keep in mind if you are interested in purchasing the unit. Firstly, it costs much more than the original system did, and in fact, it cost more than the PS5 itself. You will be looking at a $549.99 price tag if you decide to purchase the unit, keeping in mind that you will also need to own a PS5 to play the games to begin with. 

Another pricing barrier comes with the games. Games designed for the PlayStation VR can’t be played on the PS VR2, so some games are going back and updating their requirements to fit the new system. However, not all developers are offering their upgrades for free. Some developers are asking for a small upgrade price, while other developers are asking you to buy the game again if you want to play it.

So, if you want five games, a console, and a unit, you will be looking at around $1200, which can be a lot to spend on a hobby. With that being said, virtual reality is fairly niche and if you clicked on this article, you are probably already interested in VR. But the main point of this article is to let you know everything you need to in case you already have a PS VR unit. A unit that can already be played through the PS5, albeit with an adapter you need to contact PlayStation support for. 

At the end of the day, the second iteration of PlayStation’s virtual reality unit is better than the original, and only you can decide if you want to buy one. If new titles and new technology is something you want, you should probably get one. If you are fine with the original unit and the price increase is a little too much, we’d recommend no getting one.

PlayStation VR2 is set to release on Feb. 22, 2023.