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Is This The Aliens: Colonial Marines Special Edition Set?

Could this be the in-development Aliens: Colonial Marines Special Edition set? That's what it looks like, although SEGA has stated that it is unwilling to comment on the rumor. As of right now, we just have speculation and hope to go on, as the shown contents list looks pretty promising.

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Could this be the in-development Aliens: Colonial Marines Special Edition set? That’s what it looks like, although SEGA has stated that it is unwilling to comment on the rumor. As of right now, we just have speculation and hope to go on, as the shown contents list looks pretty promising.

Above is an image that was posted earlier today on a French gaming site by the name of Gamekyo. They displayed it under the assumption that it could be the real, unannounced deal. However, SEGA‘s unwillingness to comment is perplexing.

Here’s a list of the unconfirmed set’s shown contents:

Fold out display box
Exclusive in-game weapons
USMC Academy Firing Range game mode
USMC Dossier (featuring “essential briefing notes on the Xenomorph Infestation”)
Neat-looking loader statue

Hopefully this is the real set, because it’s quite neat. There’s a decent amount of content to be had, as long as its retail price isn’t too expensive ($80 or so.) Plus, the box is quite neat.

Let us know what you think in the comments section. Would you buy this?