Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid is by far one of the most popular anime airing during the Summer 2021 season. While the show was massively popular when it was released back in 2017 but it took over four years for the sequel to finally be announced anyways. Now it looks like they get it’s time to strike while the iron is hot and have announced the first-ever video game based on the series is on the way.
The game, currently titled, Kobayashi-san no Maid Dragon Sakuretsu!! Chorogon Breath, is set to be a shoot em’ up according to information from its official website. Yuki Kuwahara will be lending her voice for Tohru in the game that is being developed by Kaminari Games.
Kobayashi-san no Maid Dragon Sakuretsu!! Chorogon Breath is set to be released for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch, in both English and Japanese, in Spring 2022.