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7 Ways That Nintendo Can Improve

It was all going so well for Nintendo. The Wii and the DS were almost literally printing money for the company, leaving both Microsoft and Sony’s efforts in the dust last generation. The transition into the future hasn’t been smooth for the Big N though, thanks to constant nagging hardware issues with the 3DS and a lack of killer software for their new home console, the Wii U.

2) Unleash The Big Franchises

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Super Mario 3D World

As exciting as new ideas are, Nintendo already has an elite line-up of series it can dip into at any time. However, recent Wii U title Super Mario 3D World’s poor sales show that the classics are no longer a sure-fire result, despite the critical acclaim that the game received (Note: the game has now crossed over a million sold, but sales started slow).

Still, certain properties are missing from the Wii U and are desperately needed to add strength and depth to the console’s line-up. Wind Waker HD is the only Zelda title currently available for the console, for example, though a brand new title is in development. Other series like Metroid haven’t made the jump to next-gen yet, though a new Metroid Prime title would definitely be something to get excited about.

With Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart 8 also slated for release this year, there’s definitely an opportunity for Nintendo to make big strides in terms of sales. Adding another huge title to that line-up (assuming Nintendo delivers with quality titles, of course) would see a big improvement in games on the Wii U. Let’s not forget the 3DS either – when exactly are we going to see a new Advance Wars? Soon, hopefully. The fact that Nintendo can delve into their back catalog and bring quality titles out at will exemplifies why you shouldn’t worry too much about their problems – there’s always another hero to turn to.