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9 Incredibly Expensive Video Games That Didn’t Turn Out Very Well

Making a game is really expensive. I mean, like really expensive. Way more expensive than making a cake, or a wardrobe. Games are a lot more fun and interesting though, so it's all relative - right? I mean, what video game would be less fun than looking at a wardrobe? Especially when the cash thrown at it is so immense.

7) Enter the Matrix – 2003

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Estimated cost: $20,000,000

Oh God yes, a Matrix video game! You were blown away by its state-of-the-art visual trickery and mind-bending story of spirituality when it opened at the cinema, and now you get to take control of nouveau-Superman Neo as he nonchalantly brain-slams a bunch of well dressed henchmen and stops bullets in midair with only his well manicured hand. Oh, you don’t get to play as Neo? Well, who do you play as? Will Smith’s wife..? I’m out.

OK, OK, maybe that’s not fair. She was a feisty enough supporting character, and I bet those slow motion karate ballets are fun as Hell to execute. What’s that? The animations look like malfunctioning Jim Henson puppets? The official soundtrack tunes have names like “Kick Jab Stab” and “Smelly Sewer”? It was so severely drab and repetitive that you’d be hard pressed to even call it an ‘action’ game? Seems like maybe I should have gone with the blissful ignorance of illusion and swallowed that blue pill instead.