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The 7 Biggest Video Game DLC Rip-Offs

Remember back in the 90s, when people spoke exclusively via Friends quotes, and Google was still just a search engine? They were simpler times. Better times. Especially regarding video games. For a while, your precious playthings were still physical entities, encased in plastic cartridges, and the notion of downloading extras for them was the stuff of science fiction. Like Velcro.

3) The Amazing Spider-Man

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The Amazing Spider-Man Osphone dlc

Offending money-spinner: Osphone games

Firstly, let me begin by saying that nothing about Spider-Man is amazing. He’s rendered useless when traveling around the countryside, his “Spidey-sense tingles,” which is the least badass sounding superpower ever, and in his human guise he’s just about the most boring entity on the planet. And, if The Amazing Spider-Man game is anything to go by, he’s also an imbecile.

Though maybe he’s only an imbecile by proxy. After all, it’s you that’s controlling him. And you, potentially, that’s causing him to shirk his duties of saving the city from evil in favour of playing games on his mobile. Everyone needs deserves a break, sure, but how about a sense of priorities, Pete?

This is made worse still by the fact that the games you can play (on the phone in the game!) are purchasable DLC. As if downloading Snake for your phone in real life wasn’t appalling enough, you can buy a video game where you play a freakin’ superhero, and on his phone buy Snake to sit there meta-playing. It’s one of the most upsetting things humans have ever thought to do.