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5 WTF Moments From The Final Fantasy Series

Final Fantasy is one of the best-selling video game franchises of all time and has been hugely influential within the industry, inspiring an entire generation of role-playing games across a wide range of consoles. Despite its popularity though, the series has always divided fans. For every player who dresses up as a moogle in their parents' basement indoors, there's another who balks at the turn-based gameplay and bizarre anime-inspired characters.

2. Deadly Green Hermits (Multiple Titles)

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The worlds contained within each Final Fantasy are host to a huge number of strange, unusual creatures, some of which pop up in more than one title, but aside from the cute Moogles, the ones that stand out the most are the Tonberries.

First appearing in Final Fantasy V, the Tonberry has since become an enemy to dread, despite not being featured as one of the game’s main bosses. In fact, the Tonberries may look creepy as hell, but they don’t look particularly deadly compared to the other creatures who inhabit the Final Fantasy titles. To underestimate them is the players downfall though, as the Tonberry is one of the most dangerous enemies in the entire franchise.


With a lantern in hand, the Tonberry will gradually move nearer and nearer to your party until they suddenly pull out a knife and casually stab one of your team members, knocking off huge amounts of health in one quick attack. What makes the little critters so damn shocking is the callous way they slowly creep towards you and then just pull out a knife with no emotion on their face.

The first time this happens to you is a bizarre experience which shocks and outrages in equal measure. Whoever first designed the Tonberries is one messed up son of a bitch.