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5 Underplayed Games From 2013 To Get You Through The Summer Drought

Now that we’ve entered the second half of 2013 and gaming’s annual summer drought has taken effect – mind you, it’s a lot less severe than previous years – here’s a list of 5 titles you may have missed over the last six months and why they absolutely deserve your time.

[h2]2) Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon[/h2]


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Developer: Next Level Games & Nintendo
Genre: Action Adventure
Release Date: March 24th, 2013
Available For: Nintendo 3DS

Luigi took his first step away from the stifling shadow of his more famous brother in 2001, a year which heralded the release of his first game in a lead role with Luigi’s Mansion. The lesser known Mario brother stole the spotlight with Nintendo’s self-published action-adventure romp that balanced spooky and quirky with expertise. In telling the game’s story through Luigi’s timid eyes – which were often covered by his hands in fear – the company were able to create a gameplay experience that was brimming with personality, and it’s a formula that Nintendo have honed brilliantly with the Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon.

Much like the original, Professor E. Gadd tasks our beloved plumber-in-green with capturing ghosts within an old, creaking abode. For Dark Moon, however, players will dust off their Poltergust 5000 in order to recover the pieces of the titular magic object hidden within five individual and environmentally unique mansions. To restore Evershade Valley to a state of harmony, Luigi must find these scattered remnants and go up against King Boo, who acts as the game’s chief villain. Ultimately, though, its Luigi’s hapless and cowardly persona that makes Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon so charming. From the perfectly executed character animations to his nervous humming, our reluctant hero has never been so entertaining.

What’s more, the addition of multiplayer lends a degree of replayability to Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon and the game’s 2-to-4 player online component never feels shoehorned in. The co-operative play is entitled ScareScraper – or ThrillTower for European and Australian 3DS owners – and is compatible via both local and online play.

If a console experience isn’t what you’re looking for, then Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon is the perfect handheld title to pass the time on a summer commute.

Try if you liked: Super Mario 3D Land, Maniac Mansion.
Current Price: $30/£30

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