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5 Rip-Roaring Games That Need To Be On Your E3 2013 Radar

The Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles is without doubt the largest annual convention on the gaming calendar and this year’s event is poised to be the most significant in over half a decade. Next-gen has arrived. The Xbox One and PS4 are out in the public ether and, following Nintendo’s humble omission, three have become two.

5) Destiny

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Developer: Bungie
Genre: Massive Open-World Shooter
Available For: PS3, Xbox 360, PS4 & Xbox One
Release Date: TBC 2014

After defining an entire genre with their first-person Xbox exclusive Halo, Bungie have crafted a new sprawling space opera in Destiny. The project marks the studio’s change of publishers who, after previously working with Microsoft to bring the adventures of Master Chief to fruition, have partnered with Activision for a brand new franchise. Boasting the depth of an MMO, Destiny inhabits a universe set 700 years in the future, wherein factions of humanity have broken into colonies and diverged across the solar system. Wavering on the brink of extinction, the remnants of mankind take shelter within ‘The Traveller’ – the same divine-like sphere seen in the game’s advertisements – protected by the Guardians. Which is where we, the gamer, come into play.

A seamless experience. That’s the message Bungie have championed for their latest creation and one they hope to implement in the form of a dynamic, yet tangible gameplay experience. On-the-fly matchmaking and a deep layer of customization are integral strands in the game’s gargantuan DNA structure. Because more than anything, Destiny will be huge. Billed as a ‘Shared World Shooter’, this is a game that acts as a tantalizing microcosm for the potential depth and immersion future games will consider par of the course – the kind of interstellar world that is just too addicting and grand in scope to pull away from.

Will Destiny live up to its sprawling, unparalleled ambition? We’ll find out soon enough. Because truthfully, we haven’t seen much in terms of gameplay footage, which is an aspect you feel could make or break Bungie’s grand endeavor. Destiny needs to avoid the pitfalls that games such as Dust 514 fell into – see performance issues and clunky shooter mechanics. What’s more, the game focuses on co-operative play and will subsequently be always-online which, despite what developers continue to declare, is an in-game caveat that seems to do more harm than good. In saying that, the production value on display here is rather staggering and, come E3 2013, Bungie may well put these early preconceptions to bed when they take centre stage.

What we want to know:

  • Will Bungie implement cross-platform saves, or are they waiting for confirmation from Microsoft and Sony on the matter?
  • A detailed look at Destiny’s mobile interaction and just how it influences the game.

E3 2013 Hype-O-Meter: 9/10

Honourable Mentions: The Elder Scrolls Online, The Witcher 3, Thief, Saints Row 4, Battlefield 4, Beyond Two Souls, Pokémon X & Y, and Call Of Duty: Ghosts.

What do you make of the list? Are you excited for E3 2013? Tell us what games you’re most looking forward to see at the conference in the comments below.