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5 Reasons You Should Go Play The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD Right Now

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD has landed, and it comes just as its host system the Wii U is starting to heat up and look halfway compelling. If you don’t know the controversy surrounding Wind Waker’s original release, there are a dozen places to read about it online or elsewhere. All I can say is that if you loved the old game, the HD revamp is a gorgeous love letter crafted just for you. If you never played, didn’t want to play, or were too embarrassed to play the old game, well, this is your second chance. Don’t let it pass you by!

You can get it for the price of Nintendo Land

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If you’re getting a Wii U this Fall, then there’s absolutely no reason not to get the Wind Waker bundle. It contains the deluxe-version Wii U, which is the 32GB console as opposed to the basic 8GB, and it comes with Wind Waker HD pre-downloaded and installed, ready for the playing.

The normal deluxe-set Wii U comes with Nintendo Land. So for the same cost as what is essentially this generation’s version of Wii Sports, you’re getting a classic, epic Zelda offering that most people feel is still on par with the best adventure games of the present-day. That’s a pretty appealing package.

Of course, that’s not your only reward – the set also comes with a special GamePad. Now, I definitely understand that people’s mileage will vary on something like this, but I for one am a sucker for limited edition controllers. I have a pile of old, white Wii Remotes in a mangled heap in the corner of my room, but my golden Skyward Sword remote sits proudly on a shelf next to the game’s box. Such is the way of the collector’s world – sorry, white remotes.

Anyways, the GamePad included here is very Wind Waker, with a Triforce and some ancient Hylian writing sketched around the edges. A quick internet search will reveal what some of the text means, but to me the point is that it looks cool. It will make you actually take care of your GamePad, instead of chucking it in the corner with an old half-eaten box of pizza. Always a plus.

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