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New Just Cause 3 Patch Squashes All Sorts Of Bugs

Had you lost patience with the numerous bugs that cropped up in Just Cause 3 on release day? Reports of memory leaks on the PC version, awfully long loading times on consoles (Xbox One in particular) and poor optimisation became numerous enough after launch to make Square Enix and Avalanche Studios sit up and take notice.


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Had you lost patience with the numerous bugs that cropped up in Just Cause 3 on release day? Reports of memory leaks on the PC version, awfully long loading times on consoles (Xbox One in particular) and poor optimisation became numerous enough after launch to make Square Enix and Avalanche Studios sit up and take notice.

But not to worry, Square Enix have heard your complaints and announced the existence of a patch which aims to fix most of the game’s major problems when it hits this week.

You can read the main points below, but for the full patch notes, you can head to the game’s official site here.

We’re pleased to announce that Patch 1.02 is coming to PC & consoles this week. The patch will be hitting PS4 in Europe first this morning, rolling out across other consoles over the next day or two, pending final approvals, with the PC version landing on Friday.

Since launch, we’ve been pouring through your reviews and comments to help us prioritise our fixes accordingly. We know many of you have been patiently awaiting today’s patch, and this update is part of a much larger plan to optimize and improve the game. Thanks for your patience here.

In the 1.02 patch (132.1MB), you can expect:
+ Significantly improved loading times
+ Optimizations to online stats
+ General stability fixes
+ Fixed an issue related to challenges, wherein vehicles sometimes disappeared when starting a challenge
+ Fixed issues related to screen resizing and closing the game window before the game has fully started up [PC ONLY] —
To those of you still having issues, rest assured we are working hard to alleviate these, and are listening very closely to everything that’s being said.

If one of the problems you’ve been experiencing isn’t mentioned above, try not to be too disheartened – Square says that they’re constantly monitoring feedback and taking note of any additional problems gamers are having.

If you haven’t picked up Just Cause 3 yet, you should – we thought it was an absolute blast to play, despite a few kinks and falling ever-so-short of high expectations.