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The 16 Greatest Video Game Weapons Of All Time

Weapons, eh? Nearly everyone has a favorite. From the golden oldies you might have missed to the unforgettable armaments we all know and love, there's something for everyone in this list - and no doubt a few omissions that'll rub you up the wrong way.


4) Cerebral Bore – Turok 2

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Turok 2 Cerebral Bore

Any time you can send a parasite burrowing into a monster’s head and watch blood spewing from its eyeballs like paint, pull the trigger.

Sorry, I sound a bit deranged, but if you’ve never born witness to the carnage that is the Cerebral Bore you’ll be forgiven for thinking there’s any going back.

There’s not. The Cerebral Bore is the sole reason to pick up Turok 2 today, if only to witness the sheer carnage that unfolds.

3) BFG – Doom And Doom 2016

BFG Doom

I liken the BFG to the legendary death destroyer from Harry Potter series, He Who Must Not Be Named, who was so feared his name was never uttered in public.

Likewise, the BFG is a weapon of mass destruction so legendary that it should only be nodded at and admired, never mentioned out loud.

Informed by the 1990s school of design that necessitated bigger is better (ain’t that true), this behemoth fills the screen and fills enemies with dread, before eviscerating the crowds, leaving a cloud of giblets pooled together like chop suey.