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The 16 Greatest Video Game Weapons Of All Time

Weapons, eh? Nearly everyone has a favorite. From the golden oldies you might have missed to the unforgettable armaments we all know and love, there's something for everyone in this list - and no doubt a few omissions that'll rub you up the wrong way.


6) Lancer – Gears Of War Series

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Lancer Gears of War

The Lancer is the meat and potatoes of the Gears of War series and the working man’s gun of the future. It never jams, never misses a beat, and combines an assault rifle with a chainsaw for one devastating entrée.

It’s the go-to weapon for the COG in the fight against the alien invasion and a quasi-lightweight cannon that rattles enemies with lead. Let’s not forget its active reload ability either, which transforms the act of hitting a reload button from a passive activity into a minigame of its own.

5) Rail Gun – Quake 3 Arena

Quake III Rail Gun

The old me would have chosen the Rocket Launcher once upon a time, but the new me – wiser and older – has plumbed for the Rail Gun, a symphony of violence and a one-shot killing machine. Stab the trigger at precisely the right moment and you’ll send your foe into a cloud of giblets, but miss, and you’ll be forced to wait a few agonizing seconds for it to cool down.

It demands patience and mastery, and it’s become a staple of competitive multiplayer since. A connoisseur’s weapon, the Rail Gun rewards precision with satisfying aplomb.