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15 Video Games That Failed To Live Up To The Hype

The hype train rolled into town this year with No Man's Sky behind the wheel. When stripped bare, though, 2016's most anticipated title struggled to match the excitement its whirlwind promotional tour had whipped up, and while I've personally enjoyed my time with it so far, not everyone is convinced.

4) Black & White

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Black and White

What’s remarkable about Black and White is how long the hype lasted – extending even after it was out.

Reviewers fell over themselves to award glowing reviews to Peter Molyneux’s magnum opus, declaring it THE BEST GAME EVER and dishing out 10/10s like confetti.

But once the dust had settled, the seams began to show many reviewers wondered whether they had been conned. Was it really the deep, intricate and involved game Molyneux had us believe? Or was it actually a shallow pretender with a pretty exterior?