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15 Video Games That Failed To Live Up To The Hype

The hype train rolled into town this year with No Man's Sky behind the wheel. When stripped bare, though, 2016's most anticipated title struggled to match the excitement its whirlwind promotional tour had whipped up, and while I've personally enjoyed my time with it so far, not everyone is convinced.

11) Quake 4

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Quake 4

In the halycon days of PC gaming, Quake and Doom reigned supreme. Consoles could only dream of running these titles. But all that started to change at the turn of the new millennium, and by the time Quake 4 was ready for release, Microsoft’s Xbox 360 had supplanted the grey, beige box as the machine of choice for trigger-happy fingers.

But what should have been a titan of innovation and technical supremacy turned out to be a pale imitation of itself. The cross-platform development had hurt Quake 4 and with it, damaged one of the most revered franchises in the industry.

10) Destiny


$500 million USD. That’s how much was purported to be spent making and marketing Destiny, Bungie’s breakaway title from the Halo series.

Was it money well spent? Not really. After an exhaustive marketing campaign, we realized that Destiny was a game that lacked something money couldn’t buy… soul. While it was big and beautiful, it felt a bit empty. That state of affairs has improved with subsequent installments and Destiny 2 is positioned to rectify its mistakes, but there’s no escaping that, for all the hype, this was seriously underwhelming.