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15 Video Games That Failed To Live Up To The Hype

The hype train rolled into town this year with No Man's Sky behind the wheel. When stripped bare, though, 2016's most anticipated title struggled to match the excitement its whirlwind promotional tour had whipped up, and while I've personally enjoyed my time with it so far, not everyone is convinced.

The hype train rolled into town this year with No Man’s Sky behind the wheel. When stripped bare, though, 2016’s most anticipated title struggled to match the excitement its whirlwind promotional tour had whipped up, and while I’ve personally enjoyed my time with it so far, not everyone is convinced.

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It’s got me thinking, though: what other games have promised the world only to under deliver?

To find out, I went back through the archives of titles both new and old to discover the games that talked the talk but failed to deliver on their promises. From the stunning E3 reveals to the misleading previews, these games sold themselves at every opportunity but ultimately never capitalized on the hype they built.