4) Anger
To see an over-the-top frustrated gamer, merely gaze upon the thousands of videos that clog the arteries of YouTube. Much like Tennis, Rugby or any other sport, gaming is competitive, and it’s in that competitiveness we see these fits of inflammable rage.
Scientists at the University of Missouri found that hormonal surges in men playing multiplayer video games are similar to male animals during territorial challenges. However, while the aforementioned animals are expelling corporal energy, you’re just sat slumped in your chair like a loose bag of human waste, building that exasperated energy until you explode in high-pitched fury.
The ironic thing is, playing whilst annoyed actually aids player ability. Researchers at Stanford and Boston College discovered that players of competitive games such as Soldier of Fortune and Call of Duty intentionally made themselves angry in an effort to play better. So while in the short-term getting pissed off will in fact help you improve, you’ll probably die of a brain aneurysm.
Swings and roundabouts.