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10 Ways That Gaming Is Destroying Your Life

Gaming is a fantastic pastime if you're the type of creature who enjoys wasting hours of your real-life spent in various sham universes playing out the stories of fake heroes and villains. But so what? Everyone needs a hobby to help them survive the soul-crushing monotony of this screen filled, social media nightmare… with yet another screen. Yes, as games are interactive, they are far better for you than gawking at a television screen, unwashed and shirtless. However, because games are interactive, they tend to create strong emotional attachments that trick gamer's brains into systematically ruining their life from the inside out.

2) Sleeping Patterns

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This is a follow on from the Social Life point, but with more emphasis on death. Humans need sleep. We do. It’s something that has to happen – along with a few other things – to keep us from visiting the Grim-reaper’s bungalow. However, gamers seem to think that sleeping is far too ‘mainstream’ and opt for sleeping as little as physically possible. This point is mostly directed at the grinders out there, as time is the name of the game. Want to level up?

You have to put the time in. Want to play with league players in Korea? Gotta put the time in. Before you know it, you’ll be either stuck on an alternate ‘day-night’ cycle – making studying and or going to work virtually impossible – or pushing yourself to stay up longer and longer until you start to lose your mind. However, for everyone else, your sleep deprived rambling corpse will be hilarious as you’ll exhibit signs of visual and auditorial hallucinations, graphic mood-swings and my favourite, micro-naps. Micro-naps causes the individual to sporadically and uncontrollably fall asleep. So, all your friends – if you have the misfortune to have any – can take advantage of you as you wander through an unsleeping illusory hell. Yay!