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10 Horror Characters Who Should Join Mortal Kombat X’s Next DLC Pack

5) Pumpkinhead

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This pick comes with poor timing, since Pumpkinhead looks a bit like the Xenomorph, but he’d still be a stellar fighter. After a distraught Lance Henriksen summons the demonic beast, it’s Pumpkinhead who goes on a rampage and must be stopped.

He’s a brute who kills with claws and strength, but I suspect his video game form would be a bit more agile than the rubbery suit used in Stan Winston’s film. He’d be a beast from Netherrealm who’d offer some primal tactics, fighting on instinct alone.

Considering move sets, we’ll have to see how the Xenomorph fights to get an idea about how Pumpkinhead might also maneuver. I’m going to say a lot of quick attacks, slashing opponents with his long claws. He’s got a pretty substantial reach, and his razor-like appendages easily slice through victims as far as the film franchise goes.

Put together some combos with devastating punctures/slashes, maybe an aerialĀ attack with some punch, and for the grand finale, a fatality featuring Pumpkinhead tearing into victims like they’re Judge Dixon in Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings – sounds like victory to me.