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10 Horror Characters Who Should Join Mortal Kombat X’s Next DLC Pack

3) Cassie Hack/Vlad

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I’m a huge Hack/Slash fanboy, and since we haven’t gotten our movie yet, why not let Cassie come into the Mortal Kombat story so she can help Earth fight against Netherrealm’s nastiest?

She’s a fighter in her own right, but relies on her bigger sidekick Vlad to help with some bigger battles. I’d love if Mortal Kombat could find a way to integrate both of them into the same battles, maybe where combos are concerned? I don’t see Cassie being anywhere as weak as Ferra, but sometimes she needs Vlad to step in anyway.

That said, Cassie earns the right to have an individual fatality featuring her signature “Kiss It” baseball bat – hopefully knocking her opponent’s head clean off. She’s already fought alongside Ash, interacted with Chucky, and served some time with Herbert West, so she’s used to tackling famous baddies. Methinks Cassie would be a fighter along the likes of Mileena, but a few combos could deal some pretty hefty blows – especially with Vlad in the picture.

C’mon Mortal Kombat, give us Hack/Slash fans something to get excited about!