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10 Horror Characters Who Should Join Mortal Kombat X’s Next DLC Pack

1) Pinhead

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Here you’ve got a sorcerer of sorts, much like the mystic Shinnock. Hellraiser‘s Pinhead takes pleasure in torturing fleshy souls, as chains stretch skin apart like Silly Putty. He’s more about convincing victims into painful scenarios, and using a Lemarchand’s Box box referred to as the Lament Configuration to open a hellish door to nastier realities. Pinheads’s fighting style would be that of a summoner, dealing weaker physical blows in lieu of summoned attacks of a more underworldly nature.

You’ve got to think binding chains would play a pretty big part in Pinhead’s special combos, either restraining opposing forces for a few free shots, or lashing out like iron-weighted whips. Maybe a crushing headbutt with his spiky head acting as his bone-crunching special move? In the way of finishers, again, those chains have to come flying out, tearing the loser limb-from-limb as Pinhead offers a few words of soulless wisdom.

C’mon, how doesn’t that sound like a blast?