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10 Gaming Worlds That We’d Love To Live In

A good video game setting can be a wondrous thing. As technology has advanced and games have become bigger and more expansive, gaming worlds have become a feature that can make or break the experience for the players. What use is a good story and interesting characters if the world that houses their adventures is boring or unimaginative?

2) Mushroom Kingdom

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Nostalgia bells may well be sounding in your ears right now, and with good reason; Super Mario’s Mushroom Kingdom may represent one of the earliest gaming worlds you can remember seeing. Putting aside the fact that all of your time there thus far was spent dashing from side to side like an irritable crab, Mushroom Kingdom would actually be a pretty sweet place to live.

There’s basically no crime, other than the occasional princess-napping, but even that can be simply resolved by the sort of uncoordinated spinning and jumping that has made Zumba so famous around our own world.

There’s also regularly free food falling from the skies for anyone quick enough to claim it. Add the fact tthat said food can give you the kind of immediate gains that January gym-goers dream of, and Mushroom Kingdom is starting to look like quite the lazy man’s paradise!