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10 Gaming Worlds That We’d Love To Live In

A good video game setting can be a wondrous thing. As technology has advanced and games have become bigger and more expansive, gaming worlds have become a feature that can make or break the experience for the players. What use is a good story and interesting characters if the world that houses their adventures is boring or unimaginative?

3) San Andreas

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Closest to our own world it may be, but the latest iteration of San Andreas from the immensely popularĀ GTA V is just the right side of absurd to make it an interesting move from the real world.

As a parody of real life, almost everything in San Andreas is accentuated to ridiculous levels. The cars are faster, the guns are more powerful and – perhaps best of all for the criminally-inclined – the police are useless! If you’ve ever really wanted to give someone actual evidence that playing violent video games makes you a violent person, moving to a place like San Andreas and cutting loose would certainly be the right way to go.