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10 Hidden Gaming Gems From 2016 That You Must Play

Gaming is currently suffering its worst crisis in years: there are too many great titles to play. Every gamer worth their salt has to get their hands on blockbusting, tech-showcasing 'must plays' like Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, Dishonored 2 and DOOM. Aside from all that, you've also got to make time for the endlessly entertaining multiplayer games like Overwatch, The Division and Destiny that hoover up hundreds of hours of free time.

Oxenfree (Steam, Xbox One, PS4)

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If you liked Life is Strange, you’ll like this. A 2.5D adventure game following a bunch of teenagers unearthing the mysteries of an abandoned island, Oxenfree is big on style, soundtrack and the simple humanity of its characters. It’s sadly rare to find games with

It’s sadly rare to find games with genuinely good writing, but Oxenfree never devolves into ‘yer typical video game fare of exposition filled information dumps and cardboard characterization. With frequent nods to Spielberg and John Hughes, the storybook style quickly envelopes you as you slowlu unravel a series of mysterious radio transmissions and eerie ruins.

Also, to my personal delight, you can choose to complete this (ordinarily dialogue filled) game without your character ever saying a word, the NPCs growing increasingly frustrated and weirded out by your unexplained silence (thus unlocking the ‘Strong, Silent Type’ achievement).