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10 Awesome And Underappreciated Video Game Soundtracks

6) Thumper

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Who’d have thought that a tagline like “rhythm violence” could be a popular… thing. US-based developers Drool did, and the good news is that the results here are marvelous. This is a mind-bending voyage through the very fabric of space and time — a trippy, otherworldly march into the far reaches of an unknown outer dimension. It’s basically like that wacky psychedelic boat ride in Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory where they go through that crazy tunnel. But way trippier.

Thumper is a sleek and addicting arcade rhythm-action experience that tasks you with trouncing giant creepy-looking bosses to the beat of a hypnotic, atmospheric score. It’s a great example of a game’s music and a game’s gameplay mechanics slotting together neatly and working effectively in tandem with one another. That it makes for a really sweet VR experience is icing on a very psychedelic cake…and no, not that kind of cake.