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10 Awesome And Underappreciated Video Game Soundtracks

8) Nights Of Azure

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This Japanese action-RPG from Gust is home to a criminally underrated melancholic pop soundtrack that’s brimming with catchy, melodic piano, synths and strings. Its beautiful chord sequences are saturated with sadness and heartache, which complements the title’s heartbreaking love story between a half-monster, half-human holy knight and a divine saint – that old chestnut.

Sadly, the actual core game can’t quite match the epic emotional heights of its incredible soundtrack and narrative, but what a soundtrack it is. This is a powerful, stirring and uplifting J-pop aural treat with terrific production values and rich emotional cadence. Simply gorgeous.

[wgtc_youtube video_id=”VGilQTiRyGc”]

7) Crypt Of The NecroDancer


Danny Baranowsky has crafted some truly fantastic video game soundtracks over the course of his career, from the uber-addictive hardcore platformer Super Meat Boy to the creepy roguelike insanity of The Binding Of Isaac. However, Crypt Of The NecroDancer is my personal favourite of a brilliant bunch. It’s got an insanely catchy electronica score that veers from break-neck disco one moment to balls to the wall electro-rock stompers the next.

The game is also a charmingly novel and unique dungeon-crawler roguelike, where you have to use your rhythm skills to match the beats of the music to best the dungeons’ nasty traps and monsters. You definitely haven’t played a game quite like this one. Plus, it’s got a superb soundtrack to boot.