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Wasp Is Out Of Time In Avengers #3

With a new volume of Avengers now in full swing, it’s quite obvious that we're dealing with a very different beast from the team seen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Collecting fan favorites such as Spider-Man and Vision, the team is rounded out by Hercules and some heroes who recently stepped up to claim iconic mantles such as Captain America/Sam Wilson, Thor/Jane Foster, and Wasp/Nadia Pym. But we wouldn’t rule out a return to a more traditional lineup by the time Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters in May of 2018.


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With a new volume of Avengers now in full swing, it’s quite obvious that we’re dealing with a very different beast from the team seen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Collecting fan favorites such as Spider-Man and Vision, the team is rounded out by Hercules and some heroes who recently stepped up to claim iconic mantles such as Captain America/Sam Wilson, Thor/Jane Foster, and Wasp/Nadia Pym. But we wouldn’t rule out a return to a more traditional lineup by the time Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters in May of 2018.

The latest story arc plays on the classic trope of taking out a despot as a baby in order to avert future atrocities. In this case, that involved kidnapping the classic villain Kang while he was still an infant, which unfortunately but not unexpectedly, opened a can of paradoxical worms.

With all that’s going on this title, it almost seems as though something this wacky (in a good way) would have sprung from the mind of Kurt Busiek, but it’s actually Mark Waid at the helm. Being one of the greatest comic book writers of the past 30 years, it’s probably safe to say Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are in good hands.

Furthermore, don’t forget to check out the preview images in the gallery above. From Alex Ross’ incomparable cover art to Mike del Mundo’s eye-popping interiors, this is a visual feast if there ever were one.

For more information, take a look at the official synopsis below:

Kang War Three ends in a most unexpected manner! The Firewall of Time has been shattered – and now the Avengers are faced with the dangers it held back!

Avengers #3 arrives in comic shops this Wednesday, January 4.