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MCU fans place their bets on how long Ultron would last against Magneto

Fans wonder not if Magento can beat Ultron in a fight, but just how long Ultron could last against the powerful mutant.

avengers age of ultron
via Marvel Studios

As it stands, the X-Men have not truly been introduced into the MCU, aside from Charles Xavier’s brief and tragic appearance in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. However, some are wondering what would happen if one of the strongest mutants went up against a former Avengers-level threat.

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Magneto is one of the strongest characters in the Marvel comics, and also in the X-Men movie franchise. His ability to manipulate metal by controlling electromagnet fields makes him a formidable foe, especially in a world where metals are used everywhere. Ultron, on the other hand, is a powerful AI, one that has gained enough intelligence to rebel against his creator.

In the comics that’s Hank Pym, and in the 2015 movie Avengers: Age of Ultron, it is Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. The two favorites are similar in a way, both believe they know what’s best for mankind (or mutant kind) and have no qualms killing anyone who gets in their way.

In the comics, both have been a thorn in the Avengers’ side, but of the two, Magneto has proved himself to be a truly terrifying opponent. He is one of the strongest mutants alive and his powers are insane. In the movies, though, Ultron proves to be a tough cookie, one that requires the entirety of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes to take him down, including the creation of one of the strongest Avengers just for this purpose, Vision.

MCU fans are now wondering what would happen if the two got into a fight, with the question posed as if they already expect the victory to be Magneto’s, by asking how long Ultron would last against him.

This user thinks the title might have to change if it was Magneto going up against Ultron.

Another thinks even that is generous.

One user doesn’t even think there would be a movie, with a fight length only worthy of a post-credits scene.

Some however start to question the “science” behind Magneto’s ability in relation to Vibranium.

Some are wondering what the truth is behind his abilities, as different sources have said different things.

This user is thinking about an ability that perhaps Magneto would be unable to combat, Ultron exists as an AI in the internet so must be purged by another AI.

Some feel that, thanks to Magneto’s general lack of care for humanity he wouldn’t have even cared.

It is unlikely we will ever see this fight as part of the MCU thanks to the Avengers having already taken care of Ultron on the big screen. It would be interesting to see an AI with extraordinary intelligence (but made of metal) go up against a man who can control the alloy with his mind. As with anything to do with Marvel, you never know what is hidden up those sleeves, so who can say for sure?