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Injustice 2 Comics Confirmed To Flesh Out Supergirl’s Backstory

With the release of the video game Injustice 2 being right around the corner, it comes as no surprise that DC is rolling out a prequel comic series to coincide. And knowing how wildly popular anything having to due with this franchise is, you'll definitely want to take note of what we've learned today.

With the release of the video game Injustice 2 being right around the corner, it comes as no surprise that DC is rolling out a prequel comic series to coincide. And knowing how wildly popular anything having to due with this franchise is, you’ll definitely want to take note of what we’ve learned today.

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Usually, tie-in comics can go either way when it comes to quality and sales. But when the books serving as lead-ins to the first game, Injustice: Gods Among Us, proved to be highly successful, they ended up completely detailing the five years preceding the events of the console experience. Given that, it still came as a surprise that the follow-up will do something very similar.

In a recent episode of DC All Access, returning scribe Tom Taylor confirmed that his Injustice 2 digital first series will, in fact, be set several years before the events seen in the upcoming game, leaving lots or room for bold storytelling. Quite frankly, it won’t surprise us if sales are through the roof for this one as well, thereby yielding Injustice 2: Year Two, Injustice 2: Year Three and so forth, or whatever they may want to call them.

Furthermore, Taylor revealed that this particular iteration of Supergirl’s backstory will be explored. And, knowing this universe, we expect some significant deviations from what we’ve come to find in traditional comics, the TV show or even the in progress miniseries Supergirl: Being Super.

Aside from the Maiden of Might, the fan favorite writer says that we’ll also want to keep our eyes affixed to Harley Quinn, who has thus far been a major player in this franchise and even had the game’s comic book adaptation, Ground Zero, told from her point of view. But no matter what the future holds, it’s probably a safe bet that Injustice 2 will wow us all when it arrives in digital format in April before making its way to comic shops in May.