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Az-Bats Returns! 7 Bat-Terrific Moments From Detective Comics #962

Clayface Shines Again

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Clayface’s babyface turn has been a masterstroke from DC Comics. While he never took center stage as a villain in the universe, he’s now receiving the opportunity to shine on a regular basis – and he does so again in this issue.

Protecting Nomoz from Ascalon’s clutches, Clayface pulls a Multiple Man to misdirect his adversary from the dwarfling’s true location. His role is a major one here, as he delays the villain until backup comes in the form of Batman and Zatanna. The shape-shifting mud monster doesn’t sit around and take a beating, however, as he plants a few sledgehammer shots of his own on Ascalon and sends the rogue reeling.

When Rebirth waved its hand over DC, it changed a lot in the process – some of it was for the better, while some for the worse. But one of the characters that benefited tremendously from this “reboot” is Basil Karlo, AKA Clayface. It’s like he’s a whole new character, rejuvenated with vigor and purpose. No longer is he a B-grade villain or henchman to the bigger baddies; he’s a primetime player and important member of the Bat Family. He’s DC’s Groot, we’re telling you.