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The 8 Most Unlikeable Heroes In Comic Book Properties

Since the dawn of the comic books, we've been taught to love the heroes and hate the villains. It's the natural order of life, of course, where we should raise our saviors to the rafters and chastise the troublemakers for their evil doings. Good versus bad, and all that jazz.


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Back when the X-Men: Animated Series first aired, Jubilation Lee, AKA Jubilee, became a major player in the series. Unfortunately, though, she turned into one of the most despised characters on the show in no time. From her constant whining, distinctively 90s attire and lame firework powers, she made us all wish that she’d been sent to another school for gifted youngsters across the world.

Since then, things haven’t improved for poor Jubilee and she’s been the victim of strange story arcs. In one of them, she’s actually a vampire. Why? We still don’t know, and the less said about it, the better. Seriously, if her history can make the Spider-Man clone saga sound like a simple A to B affair, then you know it must be one giant mess.

No matter how many times she’s shoved down our throats, we just can’t get behind Jubilee as an X-Man. Instead of being the girl next door, she’s the irritating friend who’ll eat all your food and never leave your house. Her cool factor probably got left behind in the store where she bought her yellow trench coat and Bret Hart-inspired sunglasses.