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The 8 Most Unlikeable Heroes In Comic Book Properties

Since the dawn of the comic books, we've been taught to love the heroes and hate the villains. It's the natural order of life, of course, where we should raise our saviors to the rafters and chastise the troublemakers for their evil doings. Good versus bad, and all that jazz.


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Whoa there, little britches. Before you get angry and send us memes of Jason Momoa doing awesome Jason Momoa things, hear us out for a second. For many years, Aquaman has been the laughing stock of the superhero universe and not one kid would raise their hand and say he’s their favorite. In reality, he’s often seen as the waterboy of the Justice League (in more ways than one).

Times might be changing now, but Arthur Curry wasn’t always a liked fella – and it had nothing to do with his perceived lame superpowers. In several versions of the character, he carried a major chip on his shoulder and was a bit of an elitist. Basically, he’s sort of like those Internet trolls who hate every casting decision made and wish death upon studio heads and Zack Snyder.

By this time next year, Aquaman probably won’t be on this list anymore – or at least, we certainly hope he won’t. Even so, that doesn’t save him from the years of ridicule and hatred from fans and popular culture. The most redeemable quality about him was the cute seahorse that he rode on.